This usually doesn’t become a problem. But there may be times when you need to check out Instagram stories without really signing up for the service or letting others know. There are several methods by which you may see stories without revealing your identity to the banner. However, each technique will have varying degrees of success. To read Instagram stories, even if you do not have an account, all you have to do is launch the app and choose the profile icon from the menu that appears. You will need the appropriate tool, though, to see Instagram stories even if you do not have an account or if you do not want to alert the person who has posted a story. Quite similar to the other tricks, such as how to read unsent messages and how to turn off seen messages, one can also view stories without letting others know. Continue reading this article to find out the ways to do that! Keep reading this article to learn the various methods to view Instagram stories without others letting know.
Instagram Story Viewer
If you want to see someone else’s Instagram stories without letting them know, you may do so anonymously with the help of this tool. Input the user’s name without the “@” symbol and hit the Next button to continue. You will only be able to read all of the user’s Instagram stories if they have categories or have put them in the Stories Highlights section. You don’t need to log in to watch the Instagram stories of other people since this website lets you do so. Moreover, you don’t need an Instagram account to download the story. Seeing someone else’s Instagram story in this manner is the simplest option available. It may seem like an incredible tool, but there is a catch that you should be aware of before using it. While this is a fantastic tool, it only provides access to Instagram accounts that have made themselves publicly viewable. If an Instagram account is set to private, you won’t be able to see its contents.
Instagram Story Downloader App
In order to complete this method, you will need to use a separate website or application. You can’t be tracked as having seen a Story using one of these apps, so the creator of the Story has no idea whether you’ve ever checked out any of their content. Because these are applications developed by a third party, be sure to use them at your own risk.
For Desktop
Find the user by searching for them on If the person has made their profile public, you will be able to read and download all of their most recent stories.
For an iPhone
If you are an iPhone user, install an app named “Reposter” and log in. Use the search box to look for the individual, and if you find them, tap the folder that contains their Instagram Stories.
For Android
Install the Story Saver app on your device and sign in. Use the search icon that is located in the top right corner of the screen to look for the account. Their Stories will be available to you as a feed. Although this approach takes a little more time and work, it is considerably more reliable and makes it much simpler to download and keep the Stories you are now watching.
Turn on Airplane Mode
Make sure your phone is set to airplane mode before tapping on someone’s Instagram Story to see it without them knowing. Since Instagram preloads a certain number of stories to enable instant viewing, even if you don’t have a stable Wi-Fi or data connection, you can theoretically still watch a story.
What’s more?
If you use Google Chrome, you may install the Chrome IG Story extension to your browser. As soon as you’ve finished adding, go onto Instagram and begin viewing posts, stories, and reels. In addition, you may read someone else’s private Instagram story or highlight reel without them knowing. Can someone see that I viewed their Instagram story if we are not friends in 2023? No! Although you are able to see who has viewed your story, you can’t get an idea of how often they have done so. In addition, you can’t know who saw your Instagram story after 24 hours since that’s when Instagram stories vanish. Can I watch someone’s Instagram story again without them knowing? Download the “Chrome IG Story” add-on for Google Chrome. Launch Instagram on the browser and sign in. Using this Chrome add-on, you can secretly go through everyone’s Instagram Stories without them knowing. How do you view a story on Instagram 2023 anonymously? With your mobile device in airplane mode, you may read Instagram Stories without letting them know.